
Our Supporting Partners


Project Name: Enhancing the System of Social Protection in Nepal Through Advocacy and Engaging with Elected Representatives

Implementation period: May, 2021 – April, 2024

This project is being implemented by COCAP in Gramthan Rural Municipality of province 1, Manahari Rural Municipality of Bagmati province, Lekhnath Municipality – 28 Gandaki province and Bedkot Municipality of Sudur Paschim province. 


Center for Training and Networking in Nonviolent Action

Project Name: People’s Participation in Social Harmony in Nepal

Implementation period: 1 January, 2022 – 31 December, 2022

This project is being implemented by COCAP in Siyari Rural Municipality of Lumbini province and Birendranagar Municipality of Karnali province. 


Our Network

Social Protection Civil Society Network

The situation report/fact sheet from the Nepal Peace Monitoring Project (PMP) covers the incidents from May 1- 15, 2020 related to gender-based violence and incidents related to COVID-19. As per PMP’s data, the incidents of gender-based violence, black marketing, protest related to relief distribution, and clashes between police are our primary focus in this report.

Demonstration Monitoring Network

Demonstration Monitoring Network (DMN) is a loose network of 40 different organizations working in the field of human rights and peace. The network was formed in 2008 by joint initiation of office UN Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and National Human Rights Commission (NHRC). DMN was formed since the human rights defenders working in different organizations realized the collective effort for monitoring the human right violence during demonstrations. COCAP is secretariat DMN.

Human Rights Treaty Monitoring Coordination Committee (HRTMCC)

HRTMCC is a coalition of human rights organizations established to monitor the implementation of the international human rights treaties ratified by Nepal. HRTMCC was established in September 2003 through a consultation in Kathmandu to build stronger human rights forum to make the state accountable to its international human rights obligations and the non-state actors accountable to international human rights and humanitarian laws. COCAP is an active member of this committee. COCAP is involved in the process of making shadow report of Economic Social and Cultural Rights sub-committee.

Human Rights National Magna Meet 2012

Human Rights National Magna Meet is being organized collectively every year since 2009 to celebrate International Human Rights Day. COCAP took the responsibility of coordination and secretariat of “Human Rights National Magna Meet-2012” which was organized in the Staff College, Lalitpur on 9-11 December, 2012. As a part of the human rights day celebrations, several human rights related events and activities like rallies, thematic interactions and seminars, public hearing, cultural programs and exhibitions were organized throughout the country. COCAP’s the then chairperson Mr. Basu Dhakal was one of the coordinators of this Magna Meet.

The Nationwide Campaign to Eliminate the Caste Based Discrimination and Untouchability- 2012

The Nationwide Campaign to Eliminate the Caste Based Discrimination and Untouchability- 2012
The campaign was launched with the aim to raise awareness among the non- Dalit population about the caste based discrimination and untouchability and pressurize the government agencies to implement the laws that ensure the legal treatment against those who practice this inhumane discrimination. It was rarely found that, a person from non-Dalit community is leading the campaign for issues of Dalit. COCAP’s the then chairperson Mr. Basu Dhakal took the responsibility of Coordinator of this campaign. Likewise, COCAP played its important role of secretariat of this historical campaign.