Collective Campaign for Peace organized a half day interaction program on Impact of COVID-19 on CIVIC Space, Challenges Faced and Way Forward on 31 December, 2021 in Surkhet of Karnali Province. Representatives from different organizations of Surkhet, Elected Representatives, Researchers and Municipal staff had participated in this program. Following things were discussed:
- Impact and challenges posed by the pandemic on civic space.
- Coping mechanisms adopted by civil society actors.
- CSOs response to the pandemic.
- CSOs’ perception on the response of the government during the pandemic.
5.Dialogue and consultation during this time with the government. - CSOs’ perception on the state of freedom of expression, assembly and association during COVID 19.
- Vaccine status and problems being faced
- Personal safety and assembly
- Solidarity and diversity among CSOs
- Way forward.

Narayan Subedi, Karnali Province Coordinator of INSEC was the resource person of this program.